Public: Concord Software Projects : otrunk reflection using JRuby
This page last changed on Mar 31, 2009 by scytacki.
If you have otrunk-examples checked locally out you can run this program by:
more_otrunk_info.rb require 'rubygems' require 'java' require 'jnlp' require 'open-uri' require 'hpricot' OTRUNK_EXAMPLES = '/Users/stephen/dev/concord/concord-projects-common.svn.git/java/otrunk/otrunk-examples' otml_classes = [] Dir["#{OTRUNK_EXAMPLES}/**/*.otml"].each do |f| doc = Hpricot.XML(open(f)) otml_classes <<"//import").collect {|i| i['class']} end otml_classes.flatten!.uniq! # get a jnlp and save the jars to a local dir called 'cache' # if the cache is already filled this will be quick o ="", 'cache') # put all the jars on the classpath and made them available to JRuby: o.require_resources # define a method for looking at some of the otrunk classes and display some info def ot_class_info(otclass) begin import otclass name = otclass[/\.([^.]*$)/, 1] puts "fqdn: #{otclass}" puts "name: #{name}" puts ot_klazz = Kernel.const_get(name) ot_klazz.java_class.declared_instance_methods.each do |meth| puts "method name: #{}" puts "method arity: #{meth.arity}" return_type = meth.return_type if return_type puts "return_type: #{return_type}" else puts "return_type: void" end if meth.arity > 0 parameter_types = meth.parameter_types if parameter_types puts "parameter_types: #{parameter_types}" end end puts end rescue NameError puts "#{otclass} not found" end puts end otml_classes.each {|klazz| ot_class_info(klazz)} Revised Script using built in OTrunk reflection require 'rubygems' require 'java' require 'jnlp' require 'open-uri' require 'hpricot' OTRUNK_EXAMPLES = '/Users/scytacki/EclipseWorkspace/otrunk-examples' otml_classes = [] Dir["#{OTRUNK_EXAMPLES}/**/*.otml"].each do |f| doc = Hpricot.XML(open(f)) otml_classes <<"//import").collect {|i| i['class']} end otml_classes.flatten!.uniq! # get a jnlp and save the jars to a local dir called 'cache' # if the cache is already filled this will be quick o ="", 'cache') # put all the jars on the classpath and made them available to JRuby: o.require_resources # define a method for looking at some of the otrunk classes and display some info import org.concord.otrunk.otcore.impl.ReflectiveOTClassFactory def ot_class_info(otclass_str) begin otclass_ruby = eval(otclass_str) otclass = ReflectiveOTClassFactory.singleton.registerClass(otclass_ruby.java_class); ReflectiveOTClassFactory.singleton.processAllNewlyRegisteredClasses(); name = otclass_ruby.java_class.simple_name puts "fqdn: #{otclass_str}" puts "name: #{name}" puts otclass.oTAllClassProperties.each do |prop| puts "prop name: #{}" type = prop.type if type puts "prop type: #{}" else puts "prop type: void" end end rescue NameError puts "#{otclass_str} not found" end puts end otml_classes.each {|klazz| ot_class_info(klazz)} |
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Document generated by Confluence on Jan 27, 2014 16:52 |